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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find your products?

Our products are sold nationwide through a network of distributors. You can find a link to the store locators for each distributor on the "Find a Distributor" tab to the left.

How does using the GCR 1-2-3 Floor System save me money?

Traditional floors require the old routine of stripping, waxing and buffing on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Applying our GCR 1-2-3 over rubber, VCT, VAT, linoleum, concrete, ceramic tile and other surfaces allows you to reduce your maintenance routine to warm soapy water and a damp mop. This in turn reduces maintenance and supply costs. Imagine a beautiful finish without all of the work.

What standards do you use to ensure your products are Green for the environment?

It is our priority to make sure that all of our products are VOC compliant and safe for our customers, as well as the environment. That is why our products have been independently reviewed by various organizations and independent testing labs for qualifications with the City of Los Angeles, the South Coast Air Quality Management District and LEED. We have made it easy for you to navigate the products on our website. If you are looking for a product with a green designation, you will see a live link next to the product name. Just click to download the appropriate information.

Do you have Genesis sales representatives for your product line?

Because our products are mostly sold through a nationwide network of distributors, the sales representatives for those distributors typically assist the customers on their projects, from deciding which product to use through completion of the project. There are instances, however, when we need to have one of our representatives assist you on your project, either during the design phase, or for problem solving. If you do not have a distributor representative to assist you, contact our office by email through the "Contact Us" tab to the left, letting us know the name of your company and your general needs. We will review your information and get back to you shortly.

Can I buy directly from you?

There are instances when a direct sale with the end user is the most beneficial course of action. These instances are on a case by case situation. If you are interested in a direct sale situation, contact our office by email through the "Contact Us" tab to the left, letting us know the name of your company and a description of the project. We will review your information and get back to you shortly on our recommendation to proceed.

Are you qualified to perform government work?

Yes. We are a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) with a Central Contractors Registration profile.

What is the easiest way to contact you?

We encourage email communication, as it is usually the quickest way to get a response.